This week we have groomed out to Bone springs via Jubilee Rd both sides, Skyline, Elk Trail twice, been out to 9 mile ridge towards Ruckle and back Gordon Creek loop, Balloon Tree loop, to Woodland Snow Park twice, through Spout twice, around 3719 Coyote twice, MacIntyre Loop, Target Meadows, been to the store and back 3 times, been to Morning Creek Snow Park 4 times, and opened up Pole Trail from Spout to Morning Creek. Both Snow Cats have been working well, just minor troubles, the two-way radio quit in the new Snow Cat but got that working, also replaced a cleat on the 08.
It is snowing now, which we really need. I have not been to the lower country due to a lack of snow, we may get enough in the next week to be able to start grooming that area.
December grooming stats, 2020
total miles groomed 401
hours spent grooming 74
fuel burned 431
maintenance hours 13
trees removed from trail 17
miles driven to/from Mt 898
hours spent driving 20
Jess Thompson TTF grooming chairman