October 2021 Groomers update

As we head into November, we are ready to go. We got the track back on the 08 and adjusted. We tuned up the chain saws, put fresh gas in them and ran them on a fallen tree by the grooming shed, which almost hit the corner of our new roof.  I was kind of excited when I drove in and saw the tree down where it was, for fear it had damaged that new roof.  It just missed by a few feet.  Thank goodness!

The fuel has been delivered, which is more expensive this year, no surprise there.

We got good news from OSSA that the RTP committee has recommended that we receive a new Tucker Snowcat to replace our 08!  We are pretty excited about that, but know there are a few more hoops to jump through before money comes through and we can order it for next year.  Thanks for everyone who wrote letters of support, and especially to OSSA for all their work making this possible. 


Jess Thompson, TTF grooming chairman