Since last Friday, we have groomed out to Bone Springs on Jubilee Rd both sides, Skyline Rd, Elk Trail, Powerline trail, McIntyre, also opened up Snow Parks today after the big snow, and highway crossings, and bladed the clubhouse. We also went around part of 3719 (Coyote) and the Pole Trail. Temperature went up on us by 10 a.m. to 34 degrees, so the snow got really sticky, we shut down at 1 p.m..
If you have not heard, the 98 has been transferred to the La Grande club for at least 2-3 weeks as they have not received their new Tucker Snow Cat. Tucker is way behind on manufacturing due to a large order from Japan. The 08 is what we have to work with for now, so bear with us as we will try to do as much as we can with the one CAT. We will be grooming on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week. We will take Christmas Day off.
I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.
Jess Thompson, TTF grooming chairman