This week we have had quite a time grooming as the 5 + inches of rain after a foot of snow is causing difficulties on several meadows. TenEyke, Shumway and at the bottom of Baldy we can’t cross due to water flow as they are feet deep in water. We almost stuck our new cat at the bottom of Baldy, but fortunately got it backed out. Watch out for water in these meadows including Target Meadows and any other drainage you might want to cross. It is also eroding the trail to the Chalet. We don’t know when we will be able to cross these meadows. We have groomed down towards the Chalet, from McDougal part way up to Shumway, McIntyre Loop, Coyote Loop 3719, Pole Trail, up through Spout Springs to Woodland to Andies Prairie to Ruckel, back Gordon Creek and Balloon Tree area. We have also groomed out to Bone Springs, Skyline, Timothy Short Cut back 6413 to 11A, Jubilee Rd both sides, Elk Trail, Powerline trail, in and out of snow parks. It is in good shape for the week-end. It groomed really well at the first of the week and the end of the week. Mid-week got too warm. A storm front is coming starting tomorrow with high winds and a lot of snow, maybe up to 2 feet. Highway 204 on the Elgin side is open by pilot car only from Andies Prairie to Elgin, no commercial traffic, and will be that way through spring. Expect delays up to 2 hours possible.