This week we groomed Monday-Wednesday as warm temperatures were forecast from Wednesday on. We got the major trails groomed, Chalet/Shumway, McIntyre, Jubilee Rd to Bone Springs, Skyline, Elk Trail, out through Spout to Andies Prairie, Balloon Tree. We didn’t get some of the shorter trails as temperatures were rising by mid-morning. Most trails were not rough, just a little in the corners. We did go in and out of snow parks and to the Alpine. We had a major break on the push frame of the 08, thanks to Larry’s expert welding for 4 1/2 hours it will get us by until summer maintenance. We also had some cleat bolts break on the 08, and a hydraulic hose break on the Idaho that we pull behind the new cat. It is supposed to be warm with some rain/snow in the forecast for the week-end.
In February the grooming statistics are:
Miles groomed 667
hours spent grooming 130
gallons of diesel used 800
trees removed from trail 50
maintenance hours 18.5
miles driven to/from mt. 1,072
time spent driving to/from 24.5
Thanks to the crew for all their hard work and being flexible with schedules to avoid bad weather and temperature changes.
Jess Thompson TTF grooming chairman