This week, Monday and Tuesday, we groomed out to Bone Springs on Jubilee Rd both sides,Skyline Rd, Elk Trail, McIntyre Loop, Coyote Loop, store twice up through the snow parks to the top of the hill above Woodland and back through Pole Trail. Last night from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. this morning thanks to Larry and Jeff they groomed out through the snow parks and crossings through Spout, Woodland, Andies Prairie, to Ruckel Shelter and back Gordon Creek Loop. There is 6-8 inches of new snow on the trail out towards Bone Springs so it should be good. We did have some rain Wednesday .Warm temperatures are causing us trouble during the day and some at night. We will groom when we have cold temperatures.We got the 98 back today from Halfway. It has a lot of issues to fix, tracks, lighting, powder bar, and electrical issues so it will not be up and running until next week sometime. I will be chasing parts to get it back up running.
Jess TTF grooming chairman