Jan 6, 2022 Groomers Report

This week has been kind of a bust as we continue to get heavy snow, but we have groomed out to Ruckle Shelter, up through all snow parks and crossings, Gordon Creek Loop, Andies Prairie.  Also we have been back and forth to the store twice from the groomer shed.  The snow was really deep, 5 feet deep at the groomer shed, one of our CATS got stuck in the Andies prairie area, we had to take the other CAT out to pull it out, and didn’t get home until 9-10 p.m. last night. The snow was so deep up there we were pushing snow up around the front of the cab to get through it.   It was a long day for our volunteer crew.  The highway has been closed off and on this week, which prevented us from getting much done this week.

It is 37-39 degrees and raining on the mountain today, will turn into wet snow tonight and tomorrow with above freezing temperatures. This should settle the snow down and make it easier to work with after it cools down.  It is supposed to cool down Friday night into Saturday, so we hope to resume grooming on Saturday out towards Bone Springs.

We have had reports of trees down on Jubilee Rd and Skyline, we would appreciate any help from club members with chain saws to saw the trees into 10 foot sections so we can move them off the trail.  Otherwise we won’t get all the trails open out that way until we can get the trees removed.  We have heard of a dozen or more down.  We will do the best we can to get the trails back open.

Thanks for your patience.

Jess Thompson, TTF grooming chair