Grooming update for Jan 16, 2024
Both groomers were out today to remove trees on Jubilee 64rd, Skyline 6403rd, 6411rd, and Elk trail. We removed 36 trees of various sizes from 4 inch to 24inch. We…
Both groomers were out today to remove trees on Jubilee 64rd, Skyline 6403rd, 6411rd, and Elk trail. We removed 36 trees of various sizes from 4 inch to 24inch. We…
On the mountain today to groom trails for the first time this winter. The big storm they predicted didn't come through. There is 3 feet of snow at the groomer…
Due to severe weather conditions this last week and into this weekend, grooming operations will not start till next week. OSSA notified our grooming director Denny Farwell and recommended that…
Up on mountain yesterday to check conditions and the shed. No new snow and still only about 10 to 12 inches of snow on the snow pole. It was 42…
On the mountain yesterday to check conditions and the shed. It was 33 degrees and 2 inches of new snow on top of the hard pack, 10 inches total on…
On the mountain today to check the grooming shed and snow conditions. There is only 6 to 8 inches at the shed, and it is hard like cement. Rain in…
I was on the mountain yesterday to tighten the tracks on the 23 cat and do final preparations for the upcoming season. Of course we don't have any snow yet…
Help is needed at 2 pm for the seasonal installation of the poles and ropes that mark the trail across Mud Flats. Those that can help should meet at Mud…
The Snocats are ready to go serviced, oil changed, greased, fluid samples checked, cleaned and waxed, filters changed, touch up painted. The fuel has been delivered and the DEF tank…
To say, "Thank You..." the crew that braved the cold, fog and rain to winterize a warming shelter. the team that endured heat and dust to stock a…